Partner with a Nationwide, Web Based Service, to provide a
Risk Reduction Program to your community
Program features include:
For Your Residents:
Our Trademark "Do it yourself" interactive tool homeowners use to determine their own home safety rating.
A nationwide network for homeowners to share residential risk reduction ideas and success stories.
A quarterly newsletter with feature articles about risk reduction
Seasonal preparedness tips
Periodic regional safety suggestions
Email Reminders to test smoke alarms, replace batteries and practice fire drills
Semiannual testing to track risk reduction trends
For Fire Departments:
An educational program designed to introduce community risk reduction and empower homeowners to engage in preparedness activities.
Quarterly usage reports from within your community
Risk reduction trending reports to identify community involvement
Email notification of high risk residents
Opportunity for revenue sharing
In addition participating Fire Departments have access to our building damage assessment calculators. These simple to use tools are designed for accuracy and consistency in determining structural damage after a fire for more accurate incident reports
Other Program Highlights.
Residents Annual membership or subscription fee - FREE
There is no cost for Fire Departments to participate in this program.
As Fire is Everyone’s Fight we will attempt to engage other community based business (insurance agents, pediatric offices and senior centers ) in our campaign.
What we ask of you:
We only ask that participating Fire Departments promote our “Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late” campaign to their local media and provide a link to our web portal to residents within your community.
Please reply to if you are interested in participating.